Joining the UC San Diego Center for Visual Computing provides access to faculty, researchers, and graduate students who are transforming fields critical to the future of visual computing. The Center provides industry partners with a coordinated research environment through which technical and research challenges are tackled in a collaborative environment. We develop the talent and technology necessary for advancing visual computing.

Download our brochure (PDF).

Benefits of Partnership

There are many ways companies can benefit by partnering with the Center. Possibilities include:

  • Recruit our top students
  • Collaborate one-on-one with faculty
  • Embed a visiting Industry Fellow in our labs
  • Industry-faculty-student research teams
  • Biannual Research Reviews
  • Fast-track research agreements
  • Access to commercialization engine with lab-to-market focus
  • Corporate Affiliates Program membership

If you are a UCSD faculty member, please send your request to to upload papers to the Membes Only area.